Archive | March, 2017

Teacup – Creating a New Pattern 

27 Mar

May is always my Pretty Penny Precuts Studio Open House Stitching Session Tea Party. I love tea and the memories of our annual Silver Instillation Tea for Women’s Fellowship at Fontana Community Church. 

I try to come up with a new project each year. This year I’ve the bright idea for a dimensional Teacup!  More specifically a Collapsable Thread Catcher. 

Yes, I own the Sizzix Dimensional Teacup Die but the shape is a bit funky for my taste. 

Here is the comparison. 

Not to worry my Sizzix Dies still play a role in perfectly cut Circles out of fabric, batting and cardboard!  

I am going to do a bit more tweaking on this pattern before I hit print. 

I’d love your thoughts on my Dimensional Teacup Thread Catcher!