Archive | November, 2014

Acorns – It’s a Fall Thing

13 Nov

I love acorns! Perhaps it’s the 14th Century Proverb Mighty oaks from little acorns grow, meaning great things come from small beginnings.

My stitching friend Mary Ann who shares my passion for felted wool projects collected baskets full of acorns, I think they are Post Oak acorns, for us to make little wool acorns.


We used 2″, 2 1/4″, and 2 1/2″ die cut felted wool circles, stitched them like a Yo Yo, stuffed them with fiberfill about the size of a cotton ball (or less), knotted them closed and glued them inside the acorn caps with my favorite glue Fabri Tac. They should last forever and we won’t have to fight the squirrels for them!

The Acorn needle book was die cut using the Accuquilt GO Fall Medley die, I used my Sizzix Bigshot Pro machine and the Accuquilt GO Adapter to cut them out. Happy Stitching!

Name Tags

9 Nov

Do you have occasion to wear a name tag? I participate in several stitching groups and name tags are encouraged. Sizzix has a number of label dies that make wonderful name tags. Here is how I prepare my name tag: fuse fabric to both sides of Peltex then die cut desired shape. Apply white glue to the side/perimeter, it’s about 1/8″ and dust with your favorite fine glitter. Yes you could stitch around the edge, but the glue and glitter is so quick and accents the edge without overpowering. Select your favorite Sizzix Flower Layer die and make an embellishment for your name tag. Use a Pigma Pen or other permanent none running ink pen to write your name. I usually use a corsage pin to pin my name tag to my garment.



Met with the Pins and Needles group and they made Name Tags from kits I prepared.