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Holiday Shipping Woes! Communicate and Show you Care.

9 Dec

If you are a merchant of any kind you know how frustrating Holiday Shipping can be. Here is how PrettyPennyPrecuts keeps customers returning to COMMUNICATION! Yes, it may seem redundant to the messages customers already receive from Etsy, but never overlook the opportunity to CARE! Since PrettyPennyPrecuts is in the business of providing motifs for Wool Appliqué, we add this cute little freebie to packages. There are so many cute stickers available these days, you could do likewise for your small business. The printed portion was made with Avery’s free design program on their website.

Wool Appliqué Truck: Christmas Ready or Not Continued

30 Nov

Here is the cute Truck fused and ready to stitch!  Now to decide on thread colors and get busy stitching!!!

Visit Pretty Penny Precuts on social media. Request felted wool die cut kits from my ETSY Shop

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